Diablo 2 sorceress build 2018
Diablo 2 sorceress build 2018

diablo 2 sorceress build 2018

Trained to defend their rainforest to the death, these master strategists meet any would be invader with a barrage of projectiles. Hailing from a tropical island, these warrior women commonly travel beyond their isolated homeland to walk the plains as nomads. Scroll down and find the path that’s right for you!

diablo 2 sorceress build 2018

This guide will walk you through each character’s skill progression and includes a few of the most popular builds as well! If choosing from the 7 classes wasn’t enough, there are multiple ways to build your character as well. Even by 2018 standards this game, made almost 20 years ago, has enough classes that it’s hard to pick the one to focus on:Īre you brutally unstoppable as the Barbarian or do you shrug off man-felling blows while buffing your teammates as the Paladin?īear-ly control your rage as the Druid or summon a lagtastical Army of Darkness with the Necromancer?

diablo 2 sorceress build 2018

Of the mighty seven playable characters in Diablo 2, there’s a bunch of ways you can smite the three Prime Evils.

Diablo 2 sorceress build 2018