Diablo 2 act 4 quest 3
Diablo 2 act 4 quest 3

diablo 2 act 4 quest 3 diablo 2 act 4 quest 3

There you have it - you are fully able to skip Act 1 in Diablo 4, but you will need to complete it before getting access to Act 4. The enemies in Sanctuary scale with your current level too, so you won’t face a harder challenge in any specific region of the map. So no matter if you want to first see Lorath in Dry Steppes, talk to Donan in Scoslgen, or go in order and find Neyrelle and Vigo in Fractured Peaks, your Diablo 4 experience will not change. This is important because you can’t get a mount until Act 4. I can confirm, however,that this won’t change the story or your experience in any way, though regardless of where you start, you will go on the same quests, get the same ending, and still eventually have to complete all three Acts before moving onto Act 4.

diablo 2 act 4 quest 3

The simple answer to this question is yes, you are able to completely bypass Act 1 in Diablo 4 and head straight for either Scosglen or Dry Steppes to start Act 2 or 3. Diablo’s house is shaped like a cross, with three wings that you need to fight through to the north, east, and west. Otherwise, head north through the River of Flame to eventually come across the Chaos Sanctuary. Skip Act 1 and go straight to Act 3 in Diablo 4 Prava plays a major role in Act 1. Quest 3: Terror’s End Recommended Level: 30-32 If you already have the River of Flame Waypoint, use it to jump forward.

Diablo 2 act 4 quest 3