Icebreakers for zoom meetings
Icebreakers for zoom meetings

icebreakers for zoom meetings icebreakers for zoom meetings

Most of the time I just ask each person to take a pic and send it to the group chat - it’s as easy as that! Just remember to give people the heads up to have pen and paper ready before you start or you’ll likely lose 10 minutes to everyone rummaging around their homes looking for them. 🦸 What’s your superpower? Draw your own superhero with that powerĪll very easy to do.📝 Draw the sprint ( peaks and valleys).The one I will always remember was the “elephant-unicorn” I had someone draw once, that’s because it was both half impossible and mythical as well as blindly charging ahead through the jungle! haha!Ī few different sketching/ drawing activities I’ve done in the past: My personal favourite drawing activity is “if the last sprint was an animal, what would it be and why?”They have to draw the animal and you get all kinds of interesting ones with even more interesting reasons why. And I don’t mean just the Design Sprint activity - I’m talking about drawing.ĭrawing is super flexible and lightweight and can be done in many different ways. Sketching is something that you can do anywhere.

icebreakers for zoom meetings

Everyone (I hope) has both paper and pens in their house, if not then perhaps you have an iPad that you can sketch on (you eco-friendly warrior!).

Icebreakers for zoom meetings